Membership Policies

All members must sign the member log in the Pro Shop before entering the range.

Members are able to use the range during range hours (hours posted on the website and in the range calendar).

Members are able to shoot during scheduled class times but range use will be limited. The Archery Range is subject to closures, please check the range calendar regularly to avoid disappointment.

Members will be issued a range id badge which must be kept on their person at all times while active in the range. There will be a $10.00 plus HST charge to replace lost ID cards. Failure to carry your ID badge while active in the range will result in your removal from the range.

Members must have read and understood the equipment and range rules. Failure to comply with the equipment and range rules will result in a cancellation of privileges with no refund of membership dues.

Members are to assume responsibility for their own equipment; the club or XQuest Archery Inc. is not responsible for lost, stolen, broken or damaged equipment.

NO unattended personal articles, including vehicles, motorcycles and trailers are to be left at the XQuest Archery location.

NO alcohol to be consumed on the premises and anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be refused permission to shoot and asked to leave the property.